Actually, Happy Thursday! Its morning already.
I woke up to an aftershock. We scrambled a bit, then realised no... it was a little 'un. Back to bed. The kids settle quickly. I roll over and try to sleep but theres another one. And another one... and would you believe it - after a day with NONE since 9am, this evening since 5.17pm there has been around 8 aftershocks here, and most in the mid-3s! Incredible!
So here I sit... waiting for the washing to finish so I can hang out another load. Yes we have water. We have power... but it still rocks, and my heart thumps.
I notice outside, the sky is inky black - no moonlight - and the stars are twinkly and very bright. It is so cold, which is odd as its meant to be Summer, late Summer, and it was so hot yesterday.
It is now 4.47am - the coffee is hot, the day looks like it might be good - none of yesterday's wind, so the sand storms will be minimised hopefully.
While outside hanging the washing I notice the neighbours office light on. See, its not just me. We are jumpy at the moment here in the *Eastern Desert* of Christchurch...
We have lots to be thankful for...
I met a lovely French lady today, Sister Deborah.
She came to visit our street dropping food parcels with St Vincent De Paul - not just her, but an entire team of lovely people... My Mr 10 said to me as we walked down the street towards home... Look Mum, a Nun. The sand was blowing, so I thought he was seeing things, so I said... No son, surely not...?
There she is, he said... and pointed.
I looked up, but as I did, she must have ducked into another house...
No Son, I cant see her... are you sure? ... By now Im thinking hes flipped ;)
A couple of minutes later, he says ... See, there she is... and there she was...
So, THANKYOU Sister Deborah, it was lovely to see you! And thanks for everything you do!
Well its time to go and see what I can hunt for breakfast...
Looking forward to the daylight today,
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