Thursday, September 1, 2011

The First of Spring and Shaking with a Fiver!

Cant believe September is here again!Lots planned around town for commemorating the 4th of September.
Not here, we are too busy trying to stay warm, dry and involved. I have to say, it is very easy to become *uninvolved* with the world around when things are difficult. Disconnected and out of touch. And the past few weeks seem to have been  very difficult what with one thing and another. I think we need to surround ourselves with Positivity - positive thoughts and people! And Sunshine (If possible!)

Woke up this morning at 3.30am to a rocking crashing swaying familiarity. Yes, an earthquake. Aftershock. Whatever, it was a goodie.5.0 - definitely worth a mention. 
Miss 5 slept through, though she was unsettled. Mr 11 was nowhere to be seen. Neither was the cat. So just Me lay on my bed and waited for the next one. Sigh. No sleep had. No other EQ either. Really not liking this.
Heavy rain last night resulting in snow in other places, but not down low as predicted there mightve been. Im so glad. We just dont need the dislocation and the stress.

So Im still nurturing my little tomato seedlings. Some have grown up and gone out to the porch for the hardening off process. Theyll grow there until I can plant them out further. They look great next to the Aloes, the calendulas and the marigolds, and the fenugreek who are doing so well!
I have another whole bunch coming up too, some have their real Tomato looking leaves on now, its awesome. Love watching things grow! Cant wait to taste our own tomatoes! I hope the shallots and the garlic, the carrots and lettuces grow nicely too. Gosh, its exciting to think I might actually grow our own salad in a bit of dirt outside... Love it! We have planted some thyme, chervil and basil seeds too. It might be a bit early, will have to wait and see. The Lemon tree is looking fabulous. It still has its fruit on it, which is testament to Miss 5s good behaviour. She is itching to pick them :)

The Poppy seeds I have sprinkled came up with gusto after the rain. Im sure it will look magic having big red poppies amongst the hollyhocks and calendulas and giant marigolds. Neato!

Well I best go and make hay while  the sun shines, or... put the washing out and make beds.
Life in the Fridge that is Christchurch, exists... A cautious Spring is just waiting for the snow to subside, then things will warm up and start to grow...

Hope all are well, warm & safe.
Love to You

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