Monday, December 12, 2011

Busy Times... Holidays & Garden Plots

Between the Christmas Shopping and the Weeding, its been a busy month already.
Have just put in another little bed which Ive planted in carrots, two sorts, Nutri Red and Paris Ball, Some celery, and some Leeks.

The Back Run - Bath, Corn Bed and Pumpkins (Winter Deluxe Pie)

Zucchini & Stevia, Small Basil plants

Bath 2 - Eggplant & Stevia, Chicory and Basil

Corn Bed 2

New Gardens - Raspberry & Tansy in Front, Carrot, Leek & Celery behind

Higgledy Piggledy Garden Stuff
Tomatoes Red Russian

Basil in Front, Big Boy Tomato in behind, then Red Russians & Missouri Love Apple...
A Work In Progress

All sorts, still sorting out this corner. Mizuna & Lettuce, Basil, Poppies & Tomatoes
I dont know, I dont plan like I should, so Im going with the Flow. It felt right, and lets face it, Miss 5 ate her way through the last bed of Nutri Red carrots pretty quick, so Im going to make sure there are plenty. Its awesome to know she loves fresh veggies!

My echinacea looks gorgeous - second year, and a new position in the garden, and it has five flower heads promising to colour up. I had no success with raising seed from last years, so maybe this year I will do root division and have better success!!

Sunflowers, Companion to Corn

Self-sown Scarlet Runner Beans
Happy to see them, love those flowers!!

Chamomile - love that daisy head!


The calendula have taken off, I love their golden faces poking up everywhere, they really are like Garden Sunshine! Im collecting seed, and have dried some heads to make Calendula Balm in the Winter.

The Grosso Lavender has been cut and dried this week. The plants have been much more successful this year, I think getting rid of all the clutter around them and improving the soil quality has helped. I love the scent of lavender, and it was nice to have the house lavender-scented whilst it dried.

Echinacea - My Favourite!

The dehydrator has had good use this week - We also dried some catnip. Im thinking of some little felt mice to amuse the cats... Another good Winter project with our newly dried catnip.

Hmm,  What else? ...I have companion planted the Raspberry canes with Tansy.
We are watching out for the large poppies to colour up - they all have buds that are emerging slowly!

Have put a light dose of Epsom Salts in with my citrus. I noted today too that the wind has relieved our Akane apple of most of its blossoms, so I guess that will mean no fruit. How sad, but until I get it settled into a grow bag, it wont really matter.

Have dug out a very misshapen deformed Missouri Love Apple (tomato). Still have three of these beauties, love the name! ... They are better shaped and will hopefully grow strong and healthy from here on in!
One purple calabash plant, a very tiny one. I hope it will grow up big too, I so cant wait to see its fruit...

The others all seem to be going well. The Albenga Oxhearts and the Red Russians are my main tomato crops this year. Im really loving seeing fruit setting on my Bloody Butchers too!

Our Red onions from last season were yummy! I dug them, set them out to dry, and really couldnt resist. They were so sweet... I think I have four out of two dozen left. Next time I will be planting more... Its amazing how you notice how many you use when you plant and grow them yourself!
Have planted a bed of lavender, all Grosso, so hopefully they will take and be my welcome patch for the bees in the coming years!

And now, some photos! :)


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